Certification and Recertification Process
There are two forms to get the certification. The first one is by a medical knowledge evaluation and the Family Medicine study. The second one is the current valid certification (recertification) by curricular evaluation of the last five service years or by an evaluation of medical knowledge.
The knowledge evaluation is the 75% of the final grade. It considers 8 fields: Family, Intern Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Medical-Surgical Emergencies, Mental health, Geriatrics and Investigation/Administration/Education.
The additional 25% is the Family Medicine research, which is the specialty foundation.
The curricular evaluation fields are: Activity Assistance (medical practice, committees’ members, social assistance), Teaching (thesis, talks) Academic activity (partnerships, thesis, prizes and acknowledgements), frequent medical evaluation (conferences, workshops, courses, sessions) and Investigation (Researchers National System (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI)), articles, posters).
The MCCF guarantees, like it has for the last 34 years, an evaluation with the highest standards of quality and scientific value.